There are two types of Affinity brushes that we offer; Raster and Vector. To import your brushes, you firstly will need to identify which of these your brushes are.
Raster brushes can be used in both Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, however Vector brushes are only compatible with Affinity Designer.
If you are wanting to import Raster brushes into Affinity Designer, you will need to change to your Pixel Persona from your top toolbar. Affinity Designer will always open up automatically in the Design (Vector) persona and so will not be able import Raster brushes automatically.
Once you are in the correct persona, you can open up your Brushes panel and select the burger menu (the icon looks like 3 lines stacked on top of each other). In your dropdown menu, select Import Brushes and navigate to your specific files to load them.
We hope that you have great fun working with your Affinity brushes and you can check out all of our Affinity products in our Marketplace.
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