We are so sorry if you are having difficulty seeing your most recent purchase on your account page! This is possibly due to your order including a duplicate item that you have already picked up in a previous purchase. Rest assured, if you have accidentally purchased an item twice, please let us know and our support team will be happy to help!
With duplicate items, these will automatically merge in your account, so this can cause recently purchased products to be listed lower down in your account page. Our technical team are looking for suitable plugins to include a feature to let you know if you have already picked up an item before, so our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.
You can check to see if you have picked up any duplicate items by using the quick search function (Cmd+F on a Mac, Control+F on a PC) to search for the Bundle or Marketplace item by name in Your Downloads. This will then take you directly to the product, where you can access your downloads.
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