Giving feedback can be tricky. We want to support and encourage each other, but sometimes we benefit from knowing what isn’t working so well, so we can keep growing and improving our skills.
If you are not sure how to give constructive feedback in a helpful and supportive way then this guide is for you! 😁
1. Check if the person wants feedback, and isn’t just posting because they want to share.
If you are not sure how to give constructive feedback in a helpful and supportive way then this guide is for you! 😁
1. Check if the person wants feedback, and isn’t just posting because they want to share.
2. People need to know what’s working as well as what needs work. A popular way of delivering feedback is by doing a ‘sandwich’; What’s working, what could be improved, what’s working. It’s nice to finish on a positive, encouraging note.
3. If you are able, provide actionable advice to help them improve, such as sharing a technique or resource.
4. Giving feedback to others can also impact how your own work develops, as you learn from each piece you provide feedback for.
It also helps to recognise the difference between subjective and objective comments:
Objective (based on facts and observations) - ‘Your layout is strong, I can see you’ve based it on the rule of thirds.’
Subjective (based on personal likes and dislikes) - ‘I really like it!’
It also helps to recognise the difference between subjective and objective comments:
Objective (based on facts and observations) - ‘Your layout is strong, I can see you’ve based it on the rule of thirds.’
Subjective (based on personal likes and dislikes) - ‘I really like it!’
Try to include objective comments in your feedback, while supporting and encouraging them - something I know Hub members are fantastic at!
Here is a selection of topics you could comment on, it can also be a handy list if you want to do a review of your own work. (Not all will apply to every piece/creator.)
- First impression
- Use of colour
- Use of line
- Use of materials/brushes
- Texture/pattern
- Composition
- Perspective and movement
- Anatomy
- Faces
- How do they relate to the space/setting
- Do they project a distinct personality
- Clarity of expression and body language
- Does it send a message?
- What emotion does it invoke?
- Does it encourage the viewer to take an action, educate, or inspire?
- Does it convey a narrative?
- How will the design be used, does it fit that market?
- Does it express something about them/you?
- Would I know you made it, even if the name was removed?
- What is special about it?
- Is it appealing to the target group?
We hope you now feel more confident to share feedback and help each other develop and grow!
We can't wait to see you within our Community Hub :)
We can't wait to see you within our Community Hub :)
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